The Physics and Development of Beauty: Structural Colors in Butterflies
with Nipam Patel
Wednesday February 4, 2015 at 7:00 PM
This ...
Dr. Peggy Hellweg presents “Our Tectonic Timebomb: The Hayward Fault and Advances in Earthquake Monitoring” Wednesday, April 1 7-9pm, Cafe Valparaiso
Dr. Emily Lindsey presents “Tar Pits in the Tropics: What the exceptional Ice Age fossil localities of coastal Ecuador and Peru can tell us about ancient ecosystems, species ecology, and the future of biodiversity” Wednesday, May 6: 7-9pm Cafe Valparaiso
Dr. Lisa White and Katie Bertsche present “Communicating science through museum outreach, art, and engagement: Science@Cal and the UC Museum of Paleontology” Wednesday, June 3: 7-9pm Cafe Valparaiso
There will be no East Bay Science Cafe in July due to the Independence Day Holiday.
Dr. Jenna Judge presents “From the forest to the deep blue sea, wood shapes animal communities” Wednesday, August 5: 7-9pm Cafe Valparaiso
Dr. Alicia Taylor presents “What can microbial communities tell us? Research in a model human intestine and wastewater system” Wednesday, September 7: 7-9pm Cafe Valparaiso
Science Cafe Oct. 7 “Disco (clam) isn’t dead: how silica nanospheres create flashing glam clams.” Cafe Valparaiso, Albany 7pm
Science Cafe Nov 4 “Bay Area Science Festival Special Science Cafe: CHANGE!” Restaurant Valparaiso, Albany 7pm
Science Cafe Dec 2 “Building the future with biology: A Conversations about synthetic biology” Restaurant Valparaiso, Albany 6:30 pm
The East Bay Science Cafe will be on break in January. We will return to Restaurant Valparaiso on the first Wednesday of February. See you then, and Happy New Year!

Science Cafe Feb 3 “Agrobacterium, the natural genetic hijacker!” with Romain Grangeon. Restaurant Valparaiso, Albany 7pm
Science Cafe March 2 “Unlikely lizards – The evolutionary history and natural history of geckos” with Phillip Skipwith. Restaurant Valparaiso, Albany 7pm
Science Cafe April 6 “Fossil Foraminifera: What are they? Primary informers about how our planet worked in the past.” with Ivo Duijnstee. Restaurant Valparaiso, Albany 7pm
Science Cafe May 4 “Matter, Mind, and Consciousness” with David Presti. Restaurant Valparaiso, Albany 7pm
Cafe June 1: June Cafe: 10,000 feet under the sea, a voyage to the deep with Julia Sigwart Restaurant Valparaiso, Solano Ave. Albany
Cafe July 6: The world of native bees, why care for these little buzzers? with Gordon Frankie. 7pm Restaurant Valparaiso, Solano Ave. Albany
August 3 Cafe: Neural Dust with Michel Maharbiz. 7pm, Restaurant Valparaiso, Solano Ave. Albany
September 7 Cafe: Watching the universe grow up, Snapshots through time using radio waves with
Adrian Liu. 7pm, Restaurant Valparaiso, Solano Ave.

Looking at the Sun
Solar flares, the GRIPS telescope & adventures in Antarctica
with Nicole Duncan
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
1403 Solano Ave, Albany, CA
7:00-9:00 pm
Interplanetary space is not empty; a ...
Inside UC Berkeley Natural History Museums
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
1403 Solano Ave, Albany, CA
7:00-9:00 pm
Natural History Museums are ...
With Daniela Kaufer
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
1403 Solano Ave, Albany, CA
7:00-9:00 pm
Stress is an inevitable part of our life, and understanding the biology of the stress ...
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
1403 Solano Ave, Albany, CA
7:00 pm
Mass extinctions – episodes during which many groups of previously successful organisms disappeared from Earth ...
with Matt Pyle
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
1403 Solano Ave, Albany, CA
7:00 pm
What is dark matter? For decades, firm astronomical evidence from observations of stars and galaxies has indicated that most of the matter in the ...
with James Analytis
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
1403 Solano Ave, Albany, CA
7:00 pm
What is quantum mechanics, and how does it make the technology we enjoy possible? Professor James Analytis will present a short introduction into how quantum mechanics has changed the way we live, ...
with Michael Shapira
Wednesday, May 3, 2017
1403 Solano Ave, Albany, CA
7:00 pm
What do we know about our internal microbial communities – their roles in healthy living and disease? Michael Shapira will explore some intriguing ideas about the contribution of our internal flora ...
Why California plants are so diverse, unique, and mysterious…
with Isaac Marck
Wednesday, June 7, 2017
1403 Solano Ave, Albany, CA
7:00 pm
The California Floristic Province, with a Mediterranean climate and diverse habitats, is home to numerous endemic plant species and is one of the ...
The Great American Eclipse
with Dr. Laura Peticolas
Wednesday, July 5, 2017
1403 Solano Ave, Albany, CA
7:00 pm
For the first time since 1918, there will be a total solar eclipse crossing the United ...
Spin and the quantum rules for apartment rentals
Wednesday, August 2 2017
1403 Solano Ave, Albany, CA
7:00 pm
Almost all elementary particles act as if they are spinning. Scientists once believed that ...
The evolution of tooth eruption in mammals
with Tesla Monson
Wednesday September 6, 2017 at 7:00 PM
Restaurant Valparaiso, 1403 Solano Ave. Albany
Why do we have wisdom teeth? And why do so many people need to have them extracted? Teeth are ...
Beyond the wilting point: Californian oak woodland responses to drought
with Robert Skelton
Wednesday October 4, 2017 at 7:00 PM
Restaurant Valparaiso, 1403 Solano Ave. Albany
California is likely to experience increased frequency of drought events as a consequence of global climate change. A tremendous challenge for plant ...
The humanity of Artificial Intelligence
with R.Stuart Geiger
Wednesday November 1, 2017 at 7:00 PM
Restaurant Valparaiso, 1403 Solano Ave. Albany
Today, “artificial
Exploding Stars, Dark Energy, and the Runaway Universe
with Jeffrey Silverman
Wednesday December 6, 2017 at 7:00 PM
Restaurant Valparaiso, 1403 Solano Ave. Albany
Some of the most energetic and fascinating objects ...
It’s a Small World: Viewing Life with Electrons
with Danielle Jorgens
Wednesday February 7, 2018 at 7:00 PM
Restaurant Valparaiso, 1403 Solano Ave. Albany
A revolution is occurring in biology due to new ...
The Science (and Art) of Active Transportation Planning in Berkeley
with Eric Anderson
Wednesday March 7, 2018 at 7:00 PM
Restaurant Valparaiso, 1403 Solano Ave. Albany
Berkeley is a leading city in promoting walking and biking for transportation. The City ...
Argentine Ants, the super-colony beneath our feet
with Jenna Florio
Wednesday April 4, 2018 at 7:00 PM
Restaurant Valparaiso, 1403 Solano Ave. Albany
A single ant colony from Argentina has now filled almost six hundred miles of California’s ...
East Bay Science Cafe
Science at Cal is seeking a new location for our monthly science café series. Unfortunately, Restaurant Valparaiso, which has graciously hosted the series for many years, is closing down due to loss of lease. We are grateful ...
Bioinspired Designs from Gripping Geckos, Bouncing Bugs, Leap’n Lizards, and Smart Squirrels
with Professor Robert Full
Wednesday Sept 5, 2018
Doors at 6:00 PM, Talk at 7:00 PM
Space is limited!
Audience will be admitted until ...
How to make a topological quantum fluid in 10 easy steps
with Dr. Kayleigh Cassella
Thursday Oct 11, 2018
Doors at 6:00 PM, Talk at 7:00 PM
Cafe Leila, 1724 San Pablo Ave. Berkeley, CA
We have changed our regular ...
Water and California: The Pivotal Role of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
with Prof. Dennis Baldocchi
Thursday November 8, 2018
Doors at 6:00 PM, Talk at 7:00 PM
Cafe Leila, 1724 San Pablo Ave. Berkeley, CA
We have changed our ...
Earthquake Mythbusters
with Dr. Jennifer Strauss
Thursday April 11, 2019
Doors at 6:00 PM, Talk at 7:00 PM
Cafe Leila, 1724 San Pablo Ave. Berkeley, CA
Space is limited!
CRISPR: Rewriting DNA and the Future of Humanity
with Dr. Lea Witkowsky
Thursday January 10, 2019
Doors at 6:00 PM, Talk at 7:00 PM
Cafe Leila, 1724 San Pablo Ave. Berkeley, CA
We have changed our regular time to the ...
House Plant Botany : The Inside Scoop About Your Photosynthetic Housemates!
with Allyson Greenlon
Public Programs Coordinator, Jepson Herbarium, UC Berkeley
Thursday February 14, 2019
Doors at 6:00 PM, Talk at 7:00 PM
Cafe Leila, 1724 San Pablo Ave. ...
Linguistics: making sense from noise
with Prof. Susan Lin
Thursday March 14, 2019
Doors at 6:00 PM, Talk at 7:00 PM
Cafe Leila, 1724 San Pablo Ave. Berkeley, CA
Space is limited!
Audience will be ...
The Nature of UC
with Peggy Fiedler & Kathleen M. Wong
Thursday May 9, 2019
Doors at 6:00 PM, Talk at 7:00 PM
Cafe Leila, 1724 San Pablo Ave. Berkeley, CA
Space is limited!
Audience ...
Building New Elements Beyond the Periodic Table
with Dr. Jacklyn Gates
Thursday June 13, 2019
Doors at 6:00 PM, Talk at 7:00 PM
Cafe Leila, 1724 San Pablo Ave. Berkeley, CA
Space is limited!
Audience ...
The humble spud:
The potato’s wonderful history and future feeding the world
with Prof. Christine Hastorf
Thursday September 12, 2019
Doors at 6:00 PM, Talk at 7:00 PM
Cafe Leila, 1724 San Pablo Ave. Berkeley, CA
Drugs, Plants, Brain, Mind
with Prof. David Presti
Thursday October 10, 2019
Doors at 6:00 PM, Talk at 7:00 PM
Cafe Leila, 1724 San Pablo Ave. Berkeley, CA
Join us ...
The secret superpowers of insects and other critters
with Dr. Javier Navarro
Thursday November 14, 2019
Doors at 6:00 PM, Talk at 7:00 PM
Cafe Leila, 1724 San Pablo Ave. Berkeley, CA
Knotty Sculptures
with Prof. Carlo H. Séquin
EECS Computer Science Division, UC Berkeley
Thursday December 12, 2019
Doors at 6:00 PM, Talk at 7:00 PM
Cafe Leila, 1724 San Pablo Ave. Berkeley, CA
Life beyond the Earth:
Telescopes, exoplanets, and the search for intelligent life
with Dr. Howard Isaacson
CRISPR: Rewriting DNA and the future of humanity
with Dr. Megan Hochstrasser
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