Imagine a day without science… Impossible! From the electricity that warms your morning coffee, to the fuel efficiency of your car, your choice of foods in the market, your health care, climate predictions, and our national security—science is an integral part of our daily lives. Science has provided us with an extensive body of knowledge about our natural world, but it is also a way of viewing that world. Exploring, asking questions, making observations, testing our ideas, communicating outcomes—these are all part of how science operates and what make science exciting and creative. In laboratories deep underground, telescope stations atop mountains, the open plains, ocean depths and densest rainforests, Cal scientists are exploring our natural world, finding answers that explain our past and inform the future. Join these scientists on their journeys, explore their questions and share their discoveries!
Meet Cal Scientists
What do these scientists like best about doing their science? Just click on each picture to find out!
Katherine Brakora Graduate Student Department of Integrative Biology
Miguel Daal Graduate Student Department of Physics
Mark B. Goodwin Assistant Director UC Museum of Paleontology
Kevin Mayeda Seismologist Berkeley Seismological Lab