Opportunities for Cal science researchers, faculty, students and staff
Share your passion for science and make a difference in science education! Science@Cal promotes programs and activities that engage and inform the general public about Cal scientists and their research.
Launched in 2009 with the support of the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research, Science@Cal fosters collaborations that enable members of the Cal science and engineering community to do creative, ambitious and effective outreach.
Please let us know how Science@Cal can support your interests in science outreach by filling out a short survey.
Stay informed! The Science@Cal outreach list is for UC Berkeley affiliates who are interested in public outreach in the sciences. Stay in the loop on Cal science outreach news, and use the list for discussion with list members and to inform them about your programs and activities. Sign up here!
Opportunities to participate in Science@Cal:
Bay Area Science Festival (BASF)
Help us plan for BASF 2013!
In Fall 2011 and 2012, Science@Cal hosted an array of creative events as part of the inaugural Bay Area Science Festival, a 10-day, Bay Area-wide celebration of science. From hands-on science at local farmers’ markets to a compelling panel presentation, to an exploration of science imagery and a star party—Cal faculty, postdocs, grads, undergrads and staff turned Cal’s activities into festival highlights. See the fun we had in 2011 at our photo gallery on Facebook and this gallery of pictures from our Art In Science event.
Contact: Rachel Winheld <winheld@berkeley.edu>
Coalition for Education & Outreach
CEO is an informal group of staff, faculty, postdocs and students at UC Berkeley who have an interest in Education & Outreach (E&O) in science, technology, engineering and math. CEO holds monthly meetings designed to encourage networking, professional development, and mentoring within the E&O community. CEO meetings are on the second Tuesday of each month, from 12:00 noon to 1:30 pm.
For more information and to join the CEO e-list to receive meeting announcements and reminders, contact Kate Spohr, or visit the CEO website.
Cal Day, April 19, 2014
Science@Cal is presents fun, collaborative science activities, and you can get on board. For example:
- Passport to Science@Cal is designed to encourage young visitors and their families to check out a host of science activities on Cal Day. It’s easy and fun to do, and it will increase attendance at your Cal Day activities! Contact: Rachel Winheld <winheld@berkeley.edu>
Call for presenter recommendations!
Know any excellent public speakers? These ongoing series feature Cal scientists whose presentation styles are engaging and accessible to non-specialist audiences:
- East Bay Science Café is an informal forum for discussing interesting and relevant scientific issues. Members of the Cal scientific community are invited to present topics for a casual evening of conversation. Audience questions are encouraged both during and after! Held the first Wednesday of every month at Cafe Valparaiso at La Pena Cultural Center, 3105 Shattuck Ave, Berkeley, from 7 to 9pm. Check out upcoming and past café presentations at the café website. Contact: Perry Hall <perry@berkeley.edu>
- The Science@Cal Lecture Series is a series of free, public science lectures on the third Saturday of every month. These talks are given by renowned UC Berkeley scientists and aimed at general audiences. Check out upcoming and past lectures at the lecture page. Contact: Steve Croft <scroft@astro.berkeley.edu>
Community Resources for Science (CRS)
Want to get kids excited about science? Become a BASIS science role model volunteer and Community Resources for Science will help you develop hands-on activities that link your science interests with classroom and curriculum. Or, choose from among our many already developed lessons and get into classrooms even sooner! For more information, visit the CRS Volunteering site or e-mail teach@crscience.org.
Science@Cal is proud to partner with Community Resources for Science.