Coalition for Education & Outreach (CEO) @ UC Berkeley History of CEO Meetings Since Inception (March 2010) 2014-2015
Tuesday, October 21, 12:00 -1:30 pm, 303 Doe Understanding the Next Generation Science Standards Although California adopted the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) in September 2013, plans for implementing the standards are still being unveiled and much is yet to be determined. This meeting will focus on how the NGSS came to be, how they tie in with the Common Core Standards, and most importantly, what is still to be decided. Whether you are partnering with teachers in the classroom or providing them with professional development, this session will provide you with an overview of what teachers need to know now and where the gaps are. Presenter:
Linda Shore, Executive Director of the
Astronomical Society of the Pacific, formerly Director of the
Teacher Institute at the Exploratorium. Linda has co-authored Exploratorium science and education books, and written articles about popular science and science education for the public. A native San Franciscan, she holds a EdD in science education, and a master’s degree in physics and astronomy from San Francisco State University. Meeting host:
Dan Zevin,
Tuesday, November 18, 12:00 -1:30 pm, 303 Doe Kris D. Gutiérrez, Professor of Language, Literacy and Culture at the UCB Graduate School of Education. Gutiérrez was most recently a professor of Learning Sciences/Literacy and the Inaugural Provost’s Chair, University of Colorado, Boulder and Professor Emerita of Social Research Methodology at Graduate School of Education and Information Science at UCLA. She is a national leader in education, with an emphasis in literacy, learning sciences, and interpretive and design-based approaches to inquiry. She is a member of the National Academy of Education and is the Past President of the American Educational Research Association and the National Conference on Research on Language and Literacy. Gutiérrez was appointed by President Obama and confirmed by the U.S. Senate as a member of the National Board for the Institute of Education Sciences where she served as Vice Chair. Meeting host:
Dan Zevin,
Special Networking event Friday, November 21 (3:30-4:30 pm, 550 Sutardja Dai Hall) Networking and Collaboration Event The Center for Energy Efficient Electronics Science invites you to an informal gathering that aims to facilitate networking, information exchange, and collaboration within the campus education and outreach community. Take a little time off from you busy schedule to chat and share with your colleagues. Light refreshments will be served. Please RSVP to
Tuesday, December 16, 12:00 -1:30 pm, 303 Doe Models of Success: Building and Retaining Diversity in STEM A major challenge in diversifying STEM fields is the retention and preparation of undergraduates from traditionally underrepresented groups, such as underrepresented minorities, first-generation college students, students from disadvantaged backgrounds, and women, so that these students can successfully go on to postgraduate education and STEM careers. Lack of role models, a sense of community within STEM, knowledge about career options, resources needed engage in research, and high school preparation are some of the factors that can create barriers for these students. Come hear from the leaders of three well-respected and successful UC Berkeley undergraduate STEM diversity programs – The Biology Scholars Program, Cal NERDS, and The Compass Project – as they describe the challenges underrepresented undergraduates in STEM face and the specific ways in which their programs have helped thousands of underrepresented students excel and remain in STEM fields over the years. Panelists:
John Matsui, Biology Scholars Program;
Diana Lizarraga, Cal NERDS;
Hilary Jacks, The Compass Project. Meeting host:
Rachel Henderson,
Tuesday, January 20, 11:30 am -1:00 pm, 303 Doe Resources to Help Graduate Students Prepare for Non-Academic Careers Most US research institutions are facing challenges in preparing their grad students and postdocs for an increasingly competitive job market, partly resulting from a shrinking pool of academic positions. This session focuses on several campus initiatives and programs to address this issue. Hear from representatives from several campus programs aimed at helping graduate students and post-docs explore non-academic STEM career options, including: PIEP: Postdoc Industry Exploration Program; Berkeley Postoc Entrepreneurs Program (both are programs of the Visiting Scholars and Postdoc Affairs office); Beyond Academia; SLAM (STEM Leadership and Management). The presentation will include a panel discussion and Q&A. Meeting host:
Teresa Barnett,
Tuesday, February 17, 11:30 am -1:00 pm, 303 Doe Close Up: The Berkeley Research Development Office The Berkeley Research Development Office (BRDO), launched in 2012 by Vice Chancellor of Research Graham Fleming, provides a range of proposal-related services aimed at increasing research funding on campus while decreasing faculty burden in applying for it. Over the past year, BRDO has added staff to our team and expanded our services. In this session, we will give an overview of federal funding trends (nationally and at UC Berkeley), and will discuss BRDO’s proposal services, web-based resources, and Broader Impacts tools. We will also give an update on our involvement with other campus groups to make STEM education and outreach activities more visible, coordinated, and accessible. Presenters: Dave Trinkle, Erica Whitney, Kate Spohr.
Tuesday, March 17, 11:30 am -1:00 pm, 303 Doe What’s the big deal about Broader Impacts? All NSF reviewers use two major criteria to rank proposals: intellectual merit and broader impacts. In this session, we’ll look at what Broader Impacts are and why they are important. A new organization, The
National Alliance for Broader Impacts (NABI) was recently launched with a 5-year $500,000 NSF grant. NABI is a national network of professionals who share ideas and resources to help scientists at research institutions design, implement and evaluate their Broader Impact activities.
Kaye Storm, a member of the NABI Steering Committee board and the Director of the Stanford Office for Science Outreach, will discuss how and why the group got started and what it hopes to accomplish. Meeting host: Kate Spohr
Special session Tuesday March 24, noon to 1:00 pm, 303 Doe Working with minors on campus Does your education and outreach involve work with minors? Are you interested in learning more about the official UC Berkeley campus policy on “Activities Involving Minors”? Do you have questions about this new policy? If you answered yes to at least one of these questions, please come to this open, friendly, and non-judgmental discussion with Risk Services’
Andrew Goldbatt.
Tuesday, April 21, 11:30 am -1:00 pm, 303 Doe Close up on the Jacobs Institute for Design Innovation The new Jacobs Institute aims to expand the role of design in engineering education at Berkeley. This undergraduate-focused Institute offers hands-on practice with design automation, rapid prototyping, team-based learning, and commercial development across all engineering disciplines and spanning the entire cycle of design, testing and manufacturing. The Institute will be housed within Jacobs Hall, a new 24,000 SF building on the northside of campus and will open in August 2015.
Emily Rice, an engineering graduate and the Jacobs Institute’s Director of Programs & Operations, will present. Meeting host:
Dan Zevin,
Tuesday, May 19, 11 am to 1 pm, 303 Doe Update on the Berkeley Global Campus at Richmond Bay. For this final meeting of the year,
Ruben Lizardo, Director of Local Government & Community Relations, will give an update on recent developments at the Berkeley Global Campus at Richmond Bay, focusing on the Community Working Group and its recently created education sub-committee. The presentation will be followed by
an informal networking reception. Meeting host:
Kate Spohr,
October 8, noon to 1:30 pm, Cory Hall, Room 337B, Trust Center Diversity initiatives at the College of Engineering— What is the College of Engineering doing to diversify enrollment at the undergraduate/graduate level? This discussion focuses on several promising new initiatives.
Meeting host: Meltem Erol, Director of Graduate Outreach, Engineering Dean’s Office, November 12, noon to 1:30 pm, Cory Hall, Room 337B, Trust Center Addressing the STEM gender gap at the primary/secondary school level — A discussion of new research and best practices to help girls foster a love for science, technology and engineering. Speakers: Linda Kekelis, Jen Joyce, and Sherry Hsi. Linda Kekelis and Jen Joyce are affilated with Techbridge, a nonprofit based in Oakland with a mission to inspire girls to change the world through science, technology and engineering. Sherry Hsi oversees the learning technology research program at Lawrence Hall of Science where she leads TechHive, an engineering program for students ages 14-17, and CalGirlS, a project to build a network of girl-serving STEM programs across California (affiliated with the National Girls Collaborative Project).
Meeting host: Kate Spohr, December 10, noon to 1:30 pm, Cory Hall, Room 337B, Trust Center Coordinating campus STEM E&O efforts —Verna Bowie from the UCB Office of the Vice Chancellor of Research reports on recent efforts aimed at making UC Berkeley’s STEM education and outreach activities
more visible, coordinated, and accessible to faculty, students and the public.
Meeting host: Rachel Winheld, January 14, noon to 1:30 pm, Cory Hall, Room 337B, Trust Center Richmond Bay Campus update — UCB proposes to establish a new major research campus at property it owns in Richmond on the San Francisco Bay six miles northwest of campus (the Richmond Field Station). Julie Sinai, Director of Local Government and Community Relations, reports on opportunities and challenges that the new campus presents to E&O professionals.
Meeting host: Kate Spohr February 11, noon to 1:30 pm, Cory Hall, Room 337B, Trust Center Working with minors on campus (part 1) — Does your education and outreach involve work with minors? Are you interested in learning about the official UC Berkeley campus policy on “Activities Involving Minors” that is about to be released? Do you have questions and/or comments about this new policy? If you answered “Yes” to at least two of these questions, then please come to this open, friendly, and non-judgmental discussion on the new Cal policy on working with minors presented by Risk Services’ Andrew Goldbatt.
Daniel Zevin, Publication Education Specialist and Founder of Bay Area Teen Science, will serve as host and moderator (
March 11, noon to 1:30 pm, Cory Hall, Room 337B, Trust Center Perspectives on E&O from grad students and postdocs — A wide-ranging discussion featuring undergrads, grads, postdocs who are exemplars in education and outreach. What motivates students to get involved in E&O? What do they need/want from these experiences? How can STEM professionals make it easier for students to participate?
Meeting host: Theresa Barnett, March 18, noon to 1:30 pm, 221 Stanley Hall (special meeting added to calendar) Working safely with minors in labs (part 2) — Speakers: Erike Young, ERM Deputy & Director – Environment, Health & Safety UC Office of the President, and David Moore, Lab Safety Specialist, UC Berkeley Health and Safety Team.
Meeting host: Kate Spohr April 8, noon to 1:30 pm, Cory Hall, Room 337B, Trust Center CEO collaboration swap meet — Are you looking for a partner or collaborator for a new/ongoing project? Do you have a proposal idea you’d like feedback on? An issue or topic you’d like to brainstorm with others? A technical issue you need help with? What do you
need? What can you
offer? The CEO Swap Meet provides an open, non-judgmental space for discussion and networking. If you’d like your request and offer included in a summary document to be e-mailed out to the CEO listserve after the meeting, please e-mail details to by April 14, 2014 (Friday after the meeting). Meeting host: Carisa Orwig,
May 13, noon to 1:30 pm, Cory Hall, Room 337B, Trust Center University-based STEM outreach programs: A social justice approach — This presentation will discuss what we are describing as a “social justice approach” to STEM outreach and education. Drawing on experiences with STEM outreach from several organizations including OSMO and SMASH:PREP, we argue an approach to STEM that is rooted in social justice values involves several facets: community partnerships, critical and culturally relevant pedagogy, parental involvement, innovative tools, and caring relationships. We hope to generate dialogue about potential ways the university can create synergistic relationships with community partners to better serve underrepresented students in STEM fields, while also advancing research on issues of equity in STEM education. Featured speakers: Sepehr Vakil, Dawn Williams, Jeremiah Sims, Sarah van Wart
. Meeting host: Dan Zevin.
October 9, noon to 1:30 pm, Cory Hall, Room 337B, Trust Center Introducing the Berkeley Research Development Office — Senior staff from the new Berkeley Research Development Office will discuss the scope of services that their office will provide, the ways that they will interact with the faculty, and how they are hoping to coordinate their work on proposal development with CEO. Speakers: David Trinkle, Director of Research Development, and Erica Whitney, Senior Research Development Analyst.
November 13, noon to 1:30 pm, 250 Sutardja Dai Hall (Note: room change) Diversity update from colleges of Engineering, Chemistry and L&S — A wide-ranging discussion about diversity initiatives, goals, successes and challenges in the Colleges of Engineering, Chemistry and Letters and Sciences. Faculty leaders discuss the importance of diversity and steps they are taking to recruit and retain a more diverse student body. Speakers: Oscar Dubon, College of Engineering, Anne Baranger, College of Chemistry, Debra Nolan, College of Letters & Sciences. Moderator: Avi Rosenzweig, Nanoscale Science/Engineering Graduate Group.
Co-sponsored by the Center for Energy Efficient Electronics Science (E3S). December 11, noon to 1:30 pm, Cory Hall, Room 337B, Trust Center Science communication: Tools you can use to design your own science communication training — The Museum of Science in Boston has created a series of workshops for training undergrads, grad students and postdocs to communicate their science to a broad audience. The speakers will provide an overview of the workshops, share their experiences implementing the workshops, provide resources and tools you can adapt for your own use, and lead an open discussion on best practices for training young scientists to improve their communication skills. Speakers: Sharnnia Artis, Education Director, Energy Efficient Electronics Science (E3S), Meltem Erol. Education Director, Center for Integrated Nanomechanical Systems (COINS).
January 8, noon to 1:30 pm, Cory Hall, Room 337B, Trust Center Where are Science@Cal and CEO headed? — Over the last five years, the science outreach community at Berkeley has become larger, more connected and diverse. Within that community, Science@Cal and CEO are thriving and developing new directions. At this meeting, Kate and Rachel will share updates and plans for the year ahead, and welcome your feedback. Speakers: Kate Spohr, CEO chair, and Rachel Winheld, director, Science@Cal.
February 12, noon to 1:30 pm, Cory Hall, Room 337B, Trust Center CEO collaboration swap meet — Members are invited come to the meeting with an open mind and a collaborative spirit to the meeting. Do you have a project for which you are seeking a partner or collaborator? A grant idea you’d like feedback on? An issue or topic you would like to brainstorm with others? Or a technical issue you need help with? What do you
need? What can you
offer? In the spirit of collaboration, consider bringing a salty or sweet treat to share with others.
March 12, noon to 1:30 pm, Cory Hall, Room 337B, Trust Center Conference report-out — CEO members review what they learned at recent conferences of interest to professionals working in STEM education and outreach. Chair: Lisa White Speakers: Dan Zevin, Space Sciences Lab, and others TBA.
April 9, noon to 1:30 pm, Cory Hall, Room 337B, Trust Center CANCELLED. Communicating Science —this discussion will provide a case study of a project that aims to train graduate students and postdocs to more effectively communicate their science: Speaker: Carisa Orwig.
May 14, noon to 1:30 pm, Cory Hall, Room 337B, Trust Center Strategies for involving scientists in K-12 teaching — Community Resources for Science (CRS) will facilitate a conversation about involving scientists, especially grad students, in hands-on science teaching in local schools. CRS works with hundreds of Cal grad students across all science departments (including engineering). We provide a brief overview of our coaching and training to prepare scientists for working with young students and to develop effective lessons, and then grad students will share about their experiences: their motivation, what kinds of support makes it manageable for them to participate, what they learn and how it impacts their science. (Pending: May include another campus representative to discuss working with high school students or K-12 teachers.) Presenters: Sandra Lee-Takei, BASIS Program Coordinator, Seychelle Vos and/or Kristen Seim, Graduate students and BASIS campus coordinators.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011, Noon to 1:30 pm, Cory Hall, Room 337B, Trust Center Evaluation and Assessment — Ardice Hartry, from Lawrence Hall of Science’s Research, Evaluation and Assessment Group, and Ruth Paglierani, from the Center for Science Education at the Space Sciences Lab, will discuss LHS evaluation and assessment services and give tips for how to work with an evaluator.
Chaired by Nancy Ali, Tuesday, November 8, 2011, Noon to 1:30 pm, Cory Hall, Room 337B, Trust Center Science@Cal — Discussion about the long-term vision for Science@Cal, and possible future projects. The session will include a recap of the Bay Area Science Festival.
Speaker: Rachel Winheld, Tuesday, Dec 13, 2011, Noon to 1:30 pm, Cory Hall, Room 337B, Trust Center Mentoring mentors — Best practices to recruit, train and retain great research mentors.
Chaired by: Heidi Faison, Tuesday, Jan 10, 2012, Noon to 1:30 pm, Conference Rm, 5th Fl, Sutardja Dai Hall Identifying motivated students and postdocs for E&O projects — Megan Voorhees, Assistant Dean of Students and Director of the Cal Corps Public Service Center, will discuss the Cal Corps resources available for students, faculty and staff who are engaged in community-based outreach and research. Pierre Karam, Berkeley Postdoctoral Association, discusses BPA’s network of postdocs interested in volunteering for short and long term E&O opportunities.
Co-chaired by: Avi Rosenzweig, victorr@EECS.Berkeley.EDU and Teresa Barnett, Monday, February 13, 2012, Noon to 1:30 pm, Room 240, Sutardja Dai Hall An Overview of Diversity at UC Berkeley: Moving Forward in the 21st Century — Speakers: John Matsui, Assistant Dean, Biological Sciences & Director of the Biology Scholars Program, and Ryan Shelby, Advanced Graduate Student in Mechanical Engineering.
Chaired by Meltem Erol,
Tuesday, March 13, 2012, Noon to 1:30 pm, Room 240, Sutardja Dai Hall Communicating science to non-scientists — A panel of media makers and communication experts discuss strategies for communicating science. Speakers: Andrea Kissack, Sr. Science Editor, KQED; Len de Groot, Interactive Design and Data Instructor, UCB Knight Digital Media Center; Judy Scotchmoor, Assistant Director of the UCB Museum of Paleontology and project coordinator of the “Understanding Evolution” website.
Chaired by Judy Scotchmoor,
Wednesday, April 11, 2012, 11:30 am to 1:00 pm, 808 Stanley Hall Special event for early career faculty sponsored by CEO: NSF CAREER Proposal Workshop — Get an overview of the application process for CAREER Grants, with tips on applying and insider advice from current awardees, and learn how faculty can take best advantage of Berkeley’s existing education and outreach programs to maximize the impact of the broader impacts section of their proposals. The CAREER Program is one of the National Science Foundation’s most prestigious awards in support of junior faculty who exemplify the role of teacher-scholars through outstanding research, excellent education, and the integration of education and research. Panelists: Susan Marqusee, Professor of Molecular and Cell Biology, Chris Anderson, Assistant Professor of Bioengineering, Amy Herr, Assistant Professor of Bioengineering, Sayeef Salahuddin, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences.
Chaired by Kate Spohr,, Meltem Erol,, and Sharnnia Artis, Tuesday, May 8, 2012, Noon to 1:30 pm, Room 554, Sutardja Dai Hall End-of-year CEO member discussion and lunch — Discussion will focus on the direction and purpose of CEO as an organization, ideas for future topics, and ways CEO can broaden our impact on campus. Lunch will be provided to all who RSVP.
Chaired by Kate Spohr, Lunch is courtesy of SynBERC.
March 11, 2010 —
NSF Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) What does it take to fund and run a Research for Teachers program? What are NSF’s expectations? This discussion will focus on best practices learned from Berkeley’s first RET program, sponsored by the Synthetic Biology Engineering Research Center (Synberc). Speaker: Kate Spohr,
April 8, 2010 —
Working cross-culturally in science education Speakers: Laura Peticolas and the Center for Science Education at the Space Sciences Laboratory with special guests Chuck Striplen (San Francisco Estuary Institute), Mari Lyn Salvidor (Hearst Museum) and Lindsay Irving (Cal Academy of Sciences).
May 13, 2010 —
Close up: Biology Scholars Program (BSP) BSP challenges the “by the numbers” popular view (e.g., SATs and high school GPAs as good predictors of success) about who can and should do science. Over the past 20 years, of the 2080 BSP graduates, 60% have been underrepresented minorities (African American, Hispanic, and American Indian), 70% women, and 80% from low-income backgrounds and/or the first in their family to attend college. Speaker: John Matsui.
June 3, 2010 —
Close up: CalTeach Calteach is a program for UCB undergraduate science, math, and engineering majors interested in exploring careers in education. Speakers: Elisa Stone and Nicky Nunes.
September 9, 2010 —
Close up: Office of Equity & Inclusion (E&I) Established in 2007 by Chancellor Robert Birgeneau, E&I sponsors an array of programs to permanently embed equity, inclusion, and diversity in the fabric of UC Berkeley’s academic and work environment. Speakers: Gibor Basri, Vice Chancellor of Equity and Inclusion; Marsha Jaeger, Director of the Center for Educational Partnerships; and Gail Kaufman, Director of Center for Educational Partnerships – School/Univ Partnerships.
October, 2010 —
No meeting. November 4, 2010 —
Close up: Community Resources for Science (CRS) Community Resources for Science is a local hub for teachers, science/environmental education programs, and scientists; its mission is to help educators use science resources to engage students in hands-on learning experiences. CRS’s Community in the Classroom outreach program brings over 200 Cal grad students into local elementary school classrooms each, Speakers: Teresa Barnett, Executive Director, Community Resources for Science, Leah Witus and Kristen Seim, Campus Volunteer Coordinators, Community in the Classroom.
December 9, 2010 —
Science at the Oakland Unified School District Oakland has one of the strongest district-wide science programs in California. Caleb Cheung, the District’s Science Director, will talk about OUSD’s science programs and where they are headed. He’ll also discuss opportunities for campus entities to effectively partner with the schools. Speaker: Caleb Cheung, Science Director, Oakland Unified School District.
January 13, 2011 —
Close up: Stanford Office of Science Outreach (OSO) Stanford University’s Office of Science Outreach encourages and assists Stanford faculty to engage in science outreach. Reporting to Stanford’s Dean of Research, the OSO serves faculty throughout the University by assisting them in creating outreach project ideas and proposals, identifying potential partners (both within Stanford as well as K-14 schools, science museums, etc), and facilitating information and resource sharing among all of the University’s science outreach programs. Speaker: Kaye Storm, Director, OSO.
February 10, 2011 —
Close up: UCSF Science & Health Education Partnership (SEP) SEP offers a suite of programs, including classroom based scientist-teacher partnerships, workshops for teacher and scientists, professional learning communities, a lending library of science materials, and a summer internship program for high school students. SEP has been in operation for over 20 years and is active in over 85% of SFUSD’s 115 schools each year involving over 300 K-12 teachers and 250 UCSF volunteers. Speaker: Rebecca Smith, Associate Director, SEP.
March 10, 2011 —
Close up: Transfer Alliance Project (TAP) The Transfer Alliance Project (TAP) prepares low income and educationally disadvantaged community college students to be competitive applicants for transfer to Berkeley in all majors. The program serves more than 750 students annually at thirty-one community colleges. More than 80% of TAP applicants to Berkeley are accepted each year, a rate that is three times that of transfer applicants overall. TAP services include multi-year one-to-one course planning & advising and assistance with the transfer application, required essays and scholarships. Academic enrichment activities include summer research and course opportunities at Berkeley. Through the Community College Transfer Center (CCTC), TAP staff provide drop-in advising to the broader community college student population and professional development to college staff and faculty. Speakers: Marsha Jaeger, Director, UCB Center for Educational Partnerships (CEP); Keith Schoon, Director, TAP & CCTC; and Patricia Lin, Director, TAP Summer Research Program.
April 14, 2011 —
Recruiting diverse students in summer research programs Recruiting diverse student populations into summer research programs continues to be a challenge. Amgen, COINS, and SUPERB – COE (not currently funded) have developed strategies in not only recruiting diverse populations but continuing the pipeline into doctoral programs at Berkeley and other prestigious graduate programs across the nation. Speakers: Meltem Erol, Director, Education, Outreach and Diversity, COINS and former co-Director, SUPERB REU; Audrey Knowlton, Biological Sciences Graduate Diversity Director, and Program Director for the Amgen Scholars Program.
May 12, 2011 —
E&O best practices and lessons learned Members share their challenges and successes in running education and outreach programs on campus. Participants are encouraged to share their ideas, best practices, and resources with others.